My Aphorisms ( Do Not Copy )

When today seems like hell, bear in mind that tomorrow will be heaven. Don’t lose hope and faith - They are the tools needed for our survival. When darkness seems to engulf you, spit back the brightness within you. A poet is an artist who paints a picture in your mind. All an agonized soul needs is some time to regain the lost strength. A Paradox is like a bride – blissful enough to enter the future yet petrified enough to run away from it. Failure is what you didn’t make of and success is what you make of. A battle of one’s soul can be won only with exculpation and not with retribution. Life is a reality lived in fantasy. Poetry is a chimera of one’s nostalgia.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Unforgettable Adventure

I remember the time, waiting for vacation,
At a young age, ready to spring into action,
Royal treatment with bouquet,
In traveler’s bungalow to stay,

Playing around with siblings,
Watching numerous Telugu movies,
In the theatres with a banquet,
Visiting this village a kismet,

Place surrounded by woods,
Sleeping oblivious to falsehoods,
As darkness folds, sudden sting of pain,
Screaming while holding my blain,

Now everyone on the huge table,
Turning the lights on in a grumble,
Finding black scorpions scattered ubiquitously,
Calling the help, wanting to move hastily,

Only to find the neighboring cottage,
Filled with poisonous snakes in a ravage,
Extreme weather ramming deadly insects,
Into our haven, with no prospects,

Envisioning the table to be our sack,
Spending our night without an attack,
Packing our things to flee at the first light,
Years later, I narrate this escapade tale with delight.

Well this is an incident experienced by someone dear to me at their childhood which occured in Kodur in 1971, a small village in Andhra Pradesh, India. I couldnt imagine to be in a place filled with scorpions. That's just the place for nightmares!!

Picture Link -

1 Reactions:

Ashika said...

Well written susu! Gosh even I cant imagine being in such a place...getting goosebumps now!! Brr..!!