My Aphorisms ( Do Not Copy )

When today seems like hell, bear in mind that tomorrow will be heaven. Don’t lose hope and faith - They are the tools needed for our survival. When darkness seems to engulf you, spit back the brightness within you. A poet is an artist who paints a picture in your mind. All an agonized soul needs is some time to regain the lost strength. A Paradox is like a bride – blissful enough to enter the future yet petrified enough to run away from it. Failure is what you didn’t make of and success is what you make of. A battle of one’s soul can be won only with exculpation and not with retribution. Life is a reality lived in fantasy. Poetry is a chimera of one’s nostalgia.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Perturbs

Her horrendous past haunting, reminding her shortfalls,
In a place where time has stood still,
Stuck between the huge grey walls,
Unable to bear the pain, she groans inwardly with a shrill.

Clutching her abdomen, feeling it creeping inside of her,
A dark unseen force, trying to take away what she has left,
Burrowing every part of her as it progresses like a driller,
Unable to move, with helplessness she was bereft.

Now traveling to her heart, the excruciating part,
Squeezing her cardiac muscle, making her breathless,
Turning stiff and stone cold, crumbling her feeble heart,
Tears of blood, like flood they fill the bathroom floor in numbness.

A disease like, so damn overwhelming,
Lasting for few minutes, lifetime it seems,
Sucking off the life force, deadly thoughts filling,
Paralyzing her from performing even the basic chore, visions extremes,

She calls it ‘My Perturbs’…..Coming and going as it pleases….Locked up in her mind.......

Perpetually… …

Picture Link -

2 Reactions:

Ashika said...

I dont know whether to be 'perturbed' myself, or to read in awe and marvel at the wonderful poet your turning into. Well done Sush!! You painted a picture here and I could see it so clearly!

Unknown said...

i cant agree more with oxymoron...some times i think every girl goes through this..i can totally relate to this...n well done my lilsis!!cant be more prouder!! :)