My Aphorisms ( Do Not Copy )

When today seems like hell, bear in mind that tomorrow will be heaven. Don’t lose hope and faith - They are the tools needed for our survival. When darkness seems to engulf you, spit back the brightness within you. A poet is an artist who paints a picture in your mind. All an agonized soul needs is some time to regain the lost strength. A Paradox is like a bride – blissful enough to enter the future yet petrified enough to run away from it. Failure is what you didn’t make of and success is what you make of. A battle of one’s soul can be won only with exculpation and not with retribution. Life is a reality lived in fantasy. Poetry is a chimera of one’s nostalgia.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sleeping with the werewolf

Lying next to this strange being, akin to an ape,
Even the slightest move proving to be deadliest.
Listening to his unvarying breath, pondering ways to escape,
Contemplating my chances of survival jumping through the window, being bleakest,

Realizing his arm around me, sensing his immense muscles,
Now at ease, soaking up the extreme heat radiating from his body,
Unexpectedly, I find his embrace tighten around my neck, straining my vitals,
Sudden stinging pain, thrusting his pointed cuspids deeply,

Unable to break loose from his iron clutches, with all my strength,
Yet no match against this wild animal, I push him onto the nightstands.
Breaking away eventually, with survival instincts in full length,
Grabbing an old umbrella, point it against him with trembling hands,

With mockery in his eyes, jumping swiftly in hunger,
Thrusting my weapon into his vitals now with my right hand,
Falling flat on the floor, blood trickling everywhere,
Aware of his speedy recuperation, running with seconds in hand,

Till he starts chasing me, I dash out of the room,
Rushing through the dark hallway in caution,
Fear transfixing while he chases me with derides into a day room,
Now faced with several vicious werewolves, I halt in consternation.

 thudthud thudthud thudthud thudthud
thudthud thudthud
... ... ...

Well this was again another nightmare I had few days back. Kinda caught on made it into a poem....

Picture link -

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